A terrible tragedy happened 6 years ago. September 11th, 2001, was a day that changed everyones' life forever. As we all known on 9/11/01 we have a terrorist attack. Many lives were desroyed by this horrible acttack.
I remember the day like it was yesterday. I was only in 7th grade, and a teacher had walked into my classroom to tell my teacher that there was a terrorist attack at the Twin Towers. At that point I had know idea what a terrorist attack was, but I knew by my teachers facial expression that it was something to worry about. We tried to continue class like everything was okay, but it wasn't.
Little by little students would be called down to the office and were taken out of class and went home. The number of students in my class kept decreasing and I didn't understand why. I had figured maybe they knew someone in the Twin Towers and there families wanted them home. I figured it was all okay until I got a phone call down to the office, where I saw my older brother standing there picking me up from school.
I was so confused and I had a million questions to ask him. He took me home and explained to me exactly what had happen. I then understood why myself and the rest of my peers were getting picked up and taken home. I didn't know anyone that was in the Twin Towers or that had died on 9/11 but I knew that it was a scary experience to go threw. Watching it on t.v. was just a terrible thing. You were just speechless by looking at it. It was very scary. You had to be careful with everything you did. I remember neighobors coming out saying not to drink the water, and I remember my uncle telling me I wasn't aloud to leave the front of my house. My parents who were at work, were stuck in Brooklyn, and all I wanted was for them to come home. Everything we did had to be together and we all had to be careful, because thankfully it was over but there could have been more terrrible tragics that we were not aware about. 9/11 was a horrible tragic and it will never be forgotten.
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