Monday, December 10, 2007

Cousins by Chance, Best friends by Choice.

It wasn't until about 7 months ago when I had finally met my 20 year old cousin who is only two years older them me. My cousin Tiffany only lives 2 blocks away from me. My grandmother and her grandmother are sisters and are very close. I had met my cousin several times at family parties but we were always very young and since we weren't brought up together we never really click.

Until finally one day my cousin Tiffany was across the street at my grandmothers house with her family. They had all come from a family party which I did not attend. My mother always wanted me to become close with Tiffany but I was always the shy one and never wanted to. I finally got up and went across to go say hi to my grandmother and cousins. I started talking to my cousin Tiffany and we had so many things in common.

It worked out perfect, after spending some time together me and Tiffany exchanged numbers and it ended up she got me a job working with her at a chiropractor's office. We ended up getting so close to each other, we are with each other almost everyday, whether it is between work, going out, sleepovers, or just sending time together. I think it is funny how she has lived 2 blocks away from me almost my whole life and we never really were close till now. I love it, she is not only my cousins by my new best friend.

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